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Thank you for your interest in BSA Troop 110 / Venture Crew 110.

We have gathered information in this section of the Troop 110 site in hopes of making it easy for you to find out more about our activities and membership.

T110 is short for Troop 110.
C110 is short for Venture Crew 110 – also known as Crew 110.
BSA is short for Boy Scouts of America.

If you are ready to join T110 or C110 today – link here! 

There is a Members Only section of this site that you will have access too once you are a registered member. Current Photos and additional content are hidden for security reasons. Newletters are emailed directly to members that contain meeting reminders and current events.

Troop 110 and Venture Crew 110 are Youth-Lead organizations. For security purposes only adult contact information is provided here. Once registration is completed, your scout will gain access to Youth Leadership contact information and be integrated into the organization by youth members.

Senior Patrol Leader: Nike D. 
Crew President: Nick D.

Scoutmaster: Blake Stilwill:  blakestilwill@gmail.com
Committee Chairman: Julie Zwiesler Vollick:  zwies.vol@gmail.com
Membership Chair: Ron Stropoli: ron@stropoli.com



We encourage all interested scouts to attend our regular meetings and get a feel for our Troop. All Scouts must be accompanied by an adult or guardian until a “youth application” and registration fee has been submitted to our Membership Chair.

Let us know when you plan to attend so we can introduce ourselves and the youth leadership can partner you with another scout for your visit. Contact Scoutmaster Brad Grafmiller with your plans. Contact Charley Snyder to plan attendance at a C110 Event.

Check out our Calendar Link to view upcoming OLS Meetings -- which are our regularly T110/C110 meetings at Our Lady of Sorrows held most Tuesday evenings. Adults must attend these meetings with their scouts until registration is complete. After registration, dropping off scouts is the norm. You are welcome to attend several regular meetings to get a feel for our different activities.

We are not setup to have non-members attend our offsite meetings. In Fall 2016 we will hold a Webelos Campout to give Scouts thinking of joining T110 an opportunity to experience our troop in a real BSA Camp setting. It is great fun and we look forward to it yearly. Contact Scoutmaster Brad Grafmiller if you or your Webelos Den are interested in this event.

2017 Summer Camp!

T110/C110 will desiding plans for the 2018 Summer Camp location by January 2018. Summer Camp is usually held the 3rd or 4th week of June.

Troop 110 will hold a BSA Summer Camp Presentation in April 2017 at OLS for all New Scouts interested in learning more about the biggest camping trip of the year for most BSA members! Summer Camp is designed for Boy Scouts and Venture Scouts who want to achieve advancement by earning merit badges and learning Scout skills while having fun doing a variety of activities outdoors.

All camp registration is handled through T110/C110 so that all scouts can camp and eat together as a troop -- do not register your scout directly with a BSA site! We will provide specific registration information in plenty of time to help you plan full participation. The cost of this week long camp will be announced in January 2017, which covers all food and activities your scout will partake in at the BSA Summer Camp with Troop 110. 

Check back for specifics and important dates: 

  • Troop 110 -- BSA Summer Camp Presentation in Spring 2017 at Our Lady of Sorrows
  • New Scout Deadline for BSA Summer Camp Registration.
  • New Scout Deadline for BSA Summer Camp Payment. 

Scout Bucks

T110/C110 does follow BSA Guidelines in holding individual accounts for registered scouts where funds earned for surpassing fundraising goals and earned for community service are accumulated. These funds can be applied to the cost of BSA outings. Scout Bucks can be transferred to T110/C110 upon joining if they are currently being managed by another BSA organization. Ask our Membership Chair how to begin the transfer during T110/C110 registration. 


Joining T110/C110:

Those interested can join Troop 110 at any time of the year provided they are 10yrs-18yrs of age. Gentlemen and ladies who are 14yrs-21yrs of age may register as Venture Crew members anytime of the year. Gentlemen may choose to be co-registered in T110/C110. You need not be currently registered with the Boy Scouts of America to join T110 or C110. Registered BSA Members can also transfer to T110/C110 at any time of the year that they meet age requirements. Our Membership Chair can help you through all necessary steps to make your membership active quickly.

Adults that are currently registered with BSA can also transfer membership to T110, although we encourage you to take some time off, then join BSA again in the future. We respect the amount of time active parents and guardians have volunteered in past Cub Scout Packs and see this break in activity as a great time to re-fuel. T110 offers many opportunities for adults to volunteer throughout the year and you are welcome to jump back in at anytime. Ask our Membership Chair about adult registration and training anytime you are ready to volunteer. T110/C110 requires all volunteers to complete a State of MI background check, and take BSA Youth Protection Training every two years. Our Chartered Organization requires volunteers to attend the Protecting God's Chidren training once. Certificates for past training can be submitted with adult applications. See additional links to this training below. 



We maintain an extensive list of helpful documents in our Online Library section. The first items listed in the Library are organized for New Scouts. The “Welcome to Troop 110!” pdf is an outline covering steps to complete your membership with T110 and C110.

Other items of interest to new scouts are listed under GENERAL DOCUMENTS and REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. They include a Campout Packing List, How to Register for an Event Online, and T110/C110 Directory. 

Members have access to more content than non-members, and refer to this area on an ongoing basis.


Ready to join T110/ C110 today?

When you are ready to Register for T110/ C110, please download and complete the following editable pdf forms, save them to your hard drive for reference, print them, sign them and bring them to our Membership Chair at the next meeting. Registration Payments can be completed at the online link below, or paid by check to BSA Troop 110 and turned in with your Registration Forms.

A New Scout

*For most offsite events we need Health Forms A&B completed.  Health Forms A,B & C need to be completed for any offsite that is more than 72hrs in length. 

Thank you for your interest in Troop 110 / Venture Crew 110. We are here to answer any questions you may have. 


Scoutmaster: Blake Stilwill:  blakestilwill@gmail.com
Committee ChairmanJulie Zwiesler Vollick:  zwies.vol@gmail.com
Membership Chair: Ron Stropoli: ron@stropoli.com

If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: Dianna Rose

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